About Main Line Veterans
Our Story
Main Line Veterans is a volunteer non profit (tax ID 20-3656722) organization focused on honoring and supporting veterans and their families in the community. We do not have any political affiliation and we are not affiliated with any national organization which gives us to flexibility to meet the specific needs of the veterans in our community.
During the late 1990’s, Bill and Pat DeHaven (life long residents of Berwyn) were concerned that a veteran marker had no permanent home, and they came up with the idea of doing something special for the local area veterans. The idea was to erect a flag in honor of area veterans.
Berwyn is one of a few villages that did not have a memorial dedicated to all servicemen and women who had served and may have given their lives for our country. There was a memorial for WWI that seemed to move around the Township, but had no permanent site.
The DeHavens recruited local veterans to help with the effort. The original plan grew into an idea to build on a listing of veterans from the Tredyffrin-Easttown area as it has been constituted over the last 300 plus years. A site was chosen at the SEPTA Train Station in Berwyn at the Route 30 side of the railroad bridge overpass. Then the real work began. Approvals were obtained over a two year period from Easttown Township, SEPTA, and Amtrak. Funds were then obtained through fundraising, donations, and a special grant from the Chester County Tourism Bureau.
Construction of the Memorial was completed in the Summer of 2005, and an official dedication ceremony took place on Saturday September 10, 2005. You can see pictures of the construction and dedication in the PAST EVENTS section. Hundreds of dignitaries and local citizens attended the dedication, which included honor guards and re-enactors from various world conflicts.
The Memorial is a modern 28 foot high, three dimensional arch made of stainless steel, anchored to a foundation. An American flag hangs prominently in the justify or middle of the arch. The site also includes three distinct stones. The first is the six foot high fieldstone honoring veterans who were called to service during WW I from the community
A second matching fieldstone was prepared honoring veterans who were killed while serving in WW II, the Korean War, and Vietnam. A third stone made of black granite was also installed to honor those from our community that have lost their lives while serving their country since the Vietnam War.
Architectural services were donated by Lyman Perry Architects, Ltd. Berwyn, PA. Florig Steel of Conshohocken, PA. provided the construction at cost with additional time and effort donated.
Since the Memorial was dedicated, an additional small garden was added at the site and is dedicated to the late John Lamborn whose family has been a part of the village for many years. John was a founding member of the organization. Additionally, a tree was planted in the SEPTA parking lot as a replacement for the tree that served as the center for the Berwyn Christmas celebration each year. A stone was also placed near the tree commemorating the GOLD STAR MOTHERS—-a national organization dedicated to the mothers of those who lost a son or daughter in the service of their country.
An additional garden was also installed at the North end of the SEPTA pedestrian bridge to enhance the overall experience of visiting the site. Just about any time of the year brings visitors to the Memorial to reflect on those who have served. Many veterans return to see the names of those they served with at various times.
On September 26, 2009, the original DeHaven idea of erecting a Garrison Flag in honor of area veterans was realized. A 20 by 38 foot flag on an 80 foot high pole was officially dedicated at Wilson Farm Park in Tredyffrin Township. The site is dedicated to Bill and Pat DeHaven for their years of service to the Berwyn community. Plantings have subsequently been added as well as lighting and a dedicated watering system.
Future plans are constantly being developed to enhance all sites, as well as maintaining them in perpetuity. Additionally, the mission of helping veterans and their families is being pursued.

The Mission of the Main Line Veterans is to provide community-based support as a means of visually and practically honoring those individuals from the Main Line of Philadelphia who served in the armed services protecting and enhancing our freedoms, particularly those ‘who gave their last full measure of devotion’ to our country.
Additionally, the Mission is intended to expand and provide patriotic awareness, recognition, and education; to inspire among our citizenry, especially the youth, loyalty, service, and volunteerism; to honor and emulate those who have served before them, both veterans and active military members, in and from the Main Line community; and to provide assistance through local programs to foster moral, financial, and fraternal support among veterans, current military personnel, and their families.
The official name of the organization is the Main Line Veterans. It is not part of any national organization; has no political ties; time and effort is donated; with all revenue going 100% to the mission we serve. There are no dues. There are no salaries or compensation of any kind.